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Urban Freedom Magazine

“Where Business Meets Culture”

7 Ways to Integrate Social Media and Email Marketing

7 Ways to Integrate Social Media and Email Marketing


Include social media icons and links in your emails

Simple, but oft forgotten. We are so focused on the content of the email (as we should be,) we forget about what is around the articles. Many email service providers allow for social media icons and links to your accounts to be included in the email.

1.Ask email subscribers to connect

Some readers hastily read the content and may not see the icons. So create an ad and place it in your email. Or between articles, include a simple “Connect with Anywheresville through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.” and provide links. Make it subtle and it may grab the attention more so than the icons.

2. Ask email subscribers to share

Some email service providers offer tools that allow readers of emails to share the email on their social media outlets. Constant Contact’s tool is Simple Share and with one click of a button, a post (or tweet) a link to your email is generated in a post for the reader. They can choose to edit the post or simply click “post.”

3. Send a dedicated email campaign

Sure you want to promote the newest attraction, event or product, but what about a dedicated email campaign solely for the purpose of promoting your social media outlets? Short, sweet, “Stay in the know between emails through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.” Offer some a reason for them to be connected. Is there exclusive content on social media?

Create an Email List including Freebies

Create an Email List including Freebies

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